Daily Follow-Up: Your Ticket To Making More Money


In this month’s blog, I would like to talk about FOLLOW-UP! As a salesperson, your ultimate goal is to close deals and make money. And you probably feel the pressure each month to meet your goals. But true success goes beyond the monthly goal. Follow-up calls are often undervalued and left for when you have the time to do them. Let’s face it, there will never be a perfect time.

 Below I provide a quick and easy spot training plan, starting with a review of the most important follow-up call of all – the call to your unsold prospect who already came into the dealership. I cover when to call, and what to say to be the most effective. I’ve also included some great pro tips on how to get this done daily while staying organized. If you’re looking to grow your database, make customers for life, and reach your true potential, then this training plan is a perfect place to start. 

Follow-Up Calls — A True Game Changer

Unfortunately, many salespeople, especially reps with hunter-mentalities, tend to overlook the importance of follow-up calls and their managers fail at holding them accountable. Once the sale is made, their job is done, and they can move on to the next prospect. But the reality is that follow-up calls can be a game-changer and can prevent you from relying heavily on new leads. According to a study by the Brevet Group, 80% of sales require five follow-up calls after the meeting. However, 44% of sales reps give up after one follow-up, the question you need to answer is, do you want to build a career or a one-off job.

A Simple Spot Training Plan to Boost Your Career.

 Here are three simple ways to use follow-up calls to boost your career:

Number 1 – Address objections or concerns: If your business is selling, there’s just no getting around this one. Not every prospect will buy the first time and that’s the reality. If you’re not calling them and getting them back in, you’re dealing with a big profit leak. If any challenges are preventing your prospects from buying, a phone call shows that you care about their satisfaction. It could be price, or maybe it’s a concern with interest rates. Or maybe they want a little more for their trade. Sometimes all they need is a call! But If you don’t call, you won’t know.

Number 2 – Upselling opportunities: A simple follow-up call can help you introduce additional options once they arrive at the dealership. This can lead to more money. Be sure to talk up your dealership, and mention anything that you offer that others don’t.

And Number 3 – Build relationships. A follow-up call is an opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level. If you follow up with them beyond the sale, you show that you care about their needs and are committed to helping them. This personal touch can help you build trust and credibility, which can lead to long-term relationships and repeat business. All of this will provide you with a more consistent paycheck and a sustainable sales career.

Phone Calls – The Missing Piece in Reaching Your True Profit Potential

Phone calls might not be the most exciting thing, especially for you closers out there. But follow-up calls could be the missing piece you’ve been needing to reach your true profit potential and if you are as good of a closer as you think…then this will be easy pickings.

Have fun….and make sure you smile on